Led by Diana Gilon at Wellesley College, Acrylic on Canvas 65 1/2" x 34", 

This painting was created in rotating locations across the Wellesley college campus.  It served as both an activity and a means for discussion for meetings with specific groups such as the Wellesley College Multi-faith Council, Wellesley College Hillel and Slater, Wellesley College International House.  The design of the mural was decided upon quickly, and the production of the mural became the focal aspect of the process.   The mural became a magnet for students to take a break from their rigorous studies and make an artistic statement about their shared goals for a peaceful, integrated culture on campus.   One of the main locations in which the mural production took place was the Science center.  Students from all walks of life, most of them Science and Math majors who were initially intimidated by the artistic process, came together to discuss their own identities and backgrounds and create the piece.  The process was magical filled with meaningful encounters, observations and mutual understanding.